Latest News

Summer 2024

Enjoying writing new songs, working on an audiobook project and a new musical!

Winter 2023

Really excited for my upcoming performances in London with some of my favorite musicians!! Please follow my Instagram for date announcements:) xx

Summer 2023

Looking forward to a summer of song and performances:) 

Spring 2023

Excited to be back in the studio writing in my favorite city! 

Winter 2023

Looking forward to performing with The LA OperaBabes on February 5th in Los Angeles for The Athena Foundation for the Arts!  

Winter 2022

New songs in the works!

Summer 2022

A lovely summer of inspiration and writing new songs after a wonderful LA OperaBabes concert in Beverly Hills!

Spring 2022

So lovely to be partnering with Groupmuse for an LA OperaBabes concert on the beach and performing with The Vaticants!

Winter 2022

Excited to be embarking on a new musical audio project!

Autumn 2021

Enjoying LA OperaBabes rehearsals and NFT creation!

Summer 2021

Looking forward to performing a livestream concert with The LA Operababes and amazing pianist Anne-Lise Longuemare!

Spring 2021

Enjoying rehearsals for upcoming LA OperaBabes appearances!xx

Winter 2020

Staying safe and inspired through the pandemic with performances of some of my most favorite opera rep with The LA Operababes!!

Summer 2020

Enjoyed performing new rep in a fabulous livestream concert with The LA Operababes for Groupmuse and working on new songs!!xx

Spring 2020

Writing, singing on the streets and off of balconies, rehearsing for livestream concerts with the fabulous Lauren Carter and sending stay safe and healthy wishes to the world xx

Winter 2020 

New year, new songs! All about connection and healing with a bit of neo-classical material as well:) 

Autumn 2019

Inspiring days of lending vocals to some lovely tracks and excited to be working on new material!

Spring/Summer 2019

So pleased to share Dulce Mio and recorded my first Mandarin song:) 

Winter 2019

Excited to be putting on the final touches on the music video for my new Spanish song, Dulce Mio!! Can't wait to share!!

Autumn 2018

Excited to perform and share my new tunes and in pre-launch phase on a fabulous new tech product:) 

Summer 2018

In the studio with the most amazing co-writers!! New music coming soon!!

Spring 2018

Wonderful podcast interviews and inspiring writing sessions!! Can't wait to share mine and DC's new song, 'Clock of Love'!!

Winter 2018

All about transformational entertainment!! Inspiration, hope and wonderful podcasts and new music!!

Fall 2017

Enjoying amazing co-writes, podcast interviews and stepping into the exciting TV/Film world!!

Summer 2017

Writing in Lala!! Podcast launch!!!!

Spring 2017

Finishing 2 amazing co-writes, book news coming soon, featured vocals song release with Bliss Corp, first inspirational podcast in the works:) 

Fall 2016

Final touches on new music video, book cover design and completing new songs...inspiring!!! So enjoyed lending soprano vocals to Ilan Eshkeri's "Reliquary" for Burberry:) 

Summer 2016

Recording and video shoot with the amazing talents of John Themis and Tamer Hassan!

May 2016

All about the healing process, meditation, new music and storytelling...

April 2016

The adventures of the wild soprano continue.. writing, travel and the studio...

March 2016

Where did February go?!! New songs and tech meets music....inspiring Spring!!!!!!

January 2016

Excited for a new year of fun performances, writing and collaborations!!

December 2015

Singing wishes of peace, joy and happiness to all:) 

November 2015

Working on a new inspirational music project and had a fun cameo appearance on 'Made in Chelsea'! 

October 2015

1st draft of book almost complete and a lovely television shoot with my accompanist!

September 2015

In the wonderful writing zone!

August 2015

Enjoying a month of some wonderful private engagements and completing 3 new songs:) 

July 2015

Having such fun writing toplines for dance and pop music projects!!

June 2015

An inspiring MIDEM in Cannes, collaborations, remixes, exciting tech projects in the works and rehearsing new opera repitoire!!!

May 2015

Lovely private engagements..inspiring composition days as well as first draft of novel near completion!

April 2015

Enjoying wonderful spring performances and composing 2 new pieces:)

March 2015

Exciting spring performances and album news to be announced soon!!

January 2015

New year…new music!! Writing, writing, writing….

December 2014

Enjoying a month of amazing performances, team building, and spreading Christmas cheer! Please visit my Facebook page and Twitter for updates:) With love and light, and all the best this holiday season, Angela xxxx

October 2014

Exciting times working on the album and the first draft of the book!! 

August 2014

Teaser of "Until the End of Time" featuring the amazing Tom Elwin…with Ross Elder on piano and The Angel Orchestra conducted by Peter Fender...

July 2014

New photos by Atlanta Weiss featuring designs by Michaela Frankova in the Gallery…truly wonderful shoot!!